Finished Projects

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dropping the Ball

Dear Sewing Machine,

I'm so sorry I haven't given you so much as a glance in a month. It's not that I don't want to sew. It's that I just really don't have the time.

I've recently begun working 7 days a week and picked up a 3rd job. (I just wrote a rambling paragraph about teaching and income, but I decided to delete it.) I'm also working on a certificate program through a local university and I'm trying to stay on top of things with that. So needless to say, I am one tired gal and very looking forward to a day off.

I put off Vanishing Squares for a little bit as it doesn't need to be finished until this summer. I also worked with my mom to pick a quilt design of her choosing for her birthday present. I'd love to have it done soon, but I just haven't had the money to buy fabric or the time to get started!

So, in closing, I'm truly sorry, Little Sewing Machine That Could. I promise we'll play soon.


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